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Corporate social responsibility

CDH Investment Bank donates to Courageous Kids Foundation

In the picture: Some of the Courageous Foundation team members and children pose with some staff members from CDH Investment Bank and Continental Holdings Limited who facilitated the donation.

Managed by its founder, Courageous Musasa — a 28-year-old former street begging child — amongst its most needs are fuel wood to prepare hard earned food, which CDH Investment Bank has relieved them off through the huge tree logs it donated on Tuesday.

CDH Investment Bank’s representative, Nancy Bisika said through the effects of Cyclone Ana in January, one of the huge trees that add ambience at their premises in Blantyre, fell and they proceeded to chop it into logs. As they were deciding whom to donate the logs, “who could make good use of them to make their lives better”, CDH Investment Bank officials came to know of the existence of Courageous Kids Foundation through the founder Courageous’ visibility and fliers she distributed highlighting the challenges that the school and home faces. “We learnt that Courageous Kids does not have solid sponsors and spends about K10,000.00 a day to procure firewood for use to provide morning porridge and after school meals,” Bisika said.

“Of late, the Foundation has been struggling to afford firewood and at times kids are left without food and as such we thought we could help them with the tree logs to be used for cooking and for warmth during this cold winter season. “This was the least noble thing we could do because we didn’t want the logs to benefit those who can afford but those in dire need of them — thus we decided to respond to Courageous’ plea for assistance of one of their daily needs.”

She added that this was also an opportunity for them to expose the challenges being faced at the Foundation so that other well-wishers can consider reaching out and supporting the noble charitable work that Courageous and her team are undertaking in taking care of the street-rescued kids and giving them basic education.

“Courageous has been very ‘courageous’ indeed and we hope through the media, their noble work should reach out to as many as possible so that they can receive proper support from concerned well-wishers,” Bisika said.

Indeed, the Courageous Kids Foundation needs support to complement what this 28-year-old former street beggar, who said she was rescued from her plight by Mulanje-based academic centre, Friends of Mulanje Orphans (FOMO) at the age of 13. Upon completing her modest education, she ventured into business — first to sustain herself and her sibling sister — but she felt it duty bound to accommodate some street kids, saying she just not could watch them experience the harsh environment she endured.

She said: “With the little money I could raise, I kept accepting more kids and I decided to give the little ones some basic education from nursery stage up to primary level where they enroll into government schools. “As the number of children grew, our traditional chief advised us that we needed to liaise with the Social Welfare officials to make this into a recognized orphanage and we managed to have the Foundation officially registered.”

She disclosed that she teaches the elder children arts and crafts, whose products such as key holders and brooms, she sells for their upkeep and that through her visibility campaign she manages to attract some sponsors — that included Blantyre Round Table who donated some blankets and beds for the girls’ dormitories.

“These kids are geniuses in their studies, and we have managed to produce two [for tertiary education] — one to the University of Malawi, a girl studying Bachelor of Science and a boy studying Bachelor of Sports Science at Malawi University of Science & Technology (MUST). “None of my students — except those physically challenged — attain 2-digit positions in their exams in the public schools. The student that got selected to MUST attained 14 points in his Malawi School Certificate of Examinations.”

She said they treat each other as family and every member does their chores just like any Malawian family setting and that she receives encouraging moral support from her neighborhood.

CDH Investment Bank’s initiative created more awareness for the Foundation and the initiative fits in the bank’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy which aims at supporting the vulnerable and helping organizations to grow which is the bank’s mission. Following the donation, Courageous Kids has received more publicity and Young Achievers Development honored the founder, Courageous Musasa with an Award of Excellence for her selfless duties. 


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