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CDHIB Blantyre staff attend wellness event

In the Picture: Employees of CDH Investment Bank who participated in the wellness event that was organised by human capital
In the Picture: Employees of CDH Investment Bank who participated in the wellness event that was organised by human capital

CDH Investment Bank on Saturday 2nd April 2022 held its first wellness program for 2022 for its Blantyre staff. The program was conducted to allow staff members to participate in physical exercises aimed at assisting them to gain physical fitness, whilst interacting and developing strong teams. The event involved a fun jog /walk down from Milare Police Roadblock to Kamuzu View and back with a short health break at Kamuzu View. 

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CDHIB made a donation of K2 million to Malawi Red Cross Society to support flood victims (2)

CDHIB’s Capital City Banking Centre Manager, Mrs Jennie Madinga (left), presenting the donationCDHIB’s Capital City Banking Centre Manager, Mrs Jennie Madinga (left), presenting the donation

CDH Investment Bank donated K2 million to Malawi Red Cross Society to support people who were affected by Tropical Storm Ana. Presenting the donation, CDHIB’s Capital City Banking Centre Manager, Mrs Jennie Madinga, said that it was disheartening to see the devastation that the cyclone caused, including loss of life and property and loss of livelihood, in the affected districts of Chikwawa, Nsanje, Mulanje and Phalombe. Receiving the donation, Red Cross Society’s Director of Programs, Ms Prisca Chisala said that the support would go a long way towards providing the affected people with everyday basic needs such as food.

CDH Investment Bank donates K1 million towards BAM golf tournament

Mr Benison Jambo, Chief Business Development Officer of CDH Investment Bank hands over a cheque to Mrs Lyness Nkungula, Chief Executive Officer of the Bankers Association of Malawi

CDH Investment Bank on 22nd September 2021 donated K1 million to the Bankers Association of Malawi (BAM). The donation was the bank’s contribution towards a fund-raising golf event that took place on 25th September 2021. The Bankers Association will use funds raised at the golf event to purchase desks and other learning support equipment and materials which will be donated to Nkope Community Day Secondary School in Mangochi.

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