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CDH Investment Bank and Continental Holdings Limited contribute K60 million to Cyclone Freddy relief efforts


Representatives from Continental Holdings Limited and CDH Investment Bank hand over funds to representatives from the Malawi Red Cross Society
Representatives from Continental Holdings Limited and CDH Investment Bank hand over funds to representatives from the Malawi Red Cross Society

CDH Investment Bank Limited, a subsidiary of Continental Holdings Limited along with its sister companies, Continental Asset Management Limited, Continental Capital Limited and Continental Properties Limited have donated K60 million to the Red Cross Society of Malawi for relief efforts to victims of Cyclone Freddy.

Speaking in Blantyre at the presentation function Mr Kingsley Zulu, the Group Financial Controller of Continental Holdings Limited and Director of CDH Investment Bank said that during difficult times like these, it is very important to join hands with the Government of Malawi and the entire nation to lend a helping hand to those who have been negatively impacted by the cyclone.

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CDH Investment Bank enhances MoU partnership with LUANAR through tree-planting exercise

Representatives from CDH Investment Bank and Lilongwe University of Agriculture & Natural Resources pose with tree-seedlinga prior to commencing the tree-planting exercise
Representatives from CDH Investment Bank and Lilongwe University of Agriculture & Natural Resources pose with tree-seedlinga prior to commencing the tree-planting exercise

The first activity under the memorandum of understanding (MoU) — that CDH Investment Bank signed earlier this year with Lilongwe University of Agriculture & Natural Resources (LUANAR) signed — has been rolled out through a tree planting exercise.

CDH Investment Bank provided K3.5million to LUANAR as the first disbursement of funds under the MoU that translates to 6,000 seedlings, which was channeled to the university’s Forestry Department.

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CDH Investment Bank sponsors K2.4m to the Malawi Aquatic Union for the 2023 national swimming championships

CDH Investment Bank Capital City Banking Centre Manager Mr Molius Mangaawuma hands over a symbolic cheque to Malawi Aquatic Union Secretary General Mrs Beatrice Makwenda
CDH Investment Bank Capital City Banking Centre Manager Mr Molius Mangaawuma hands over a symbolic cheque to Malawi Aquatic Union Secretary General Mrs Beatrice Makwenda

CDH Investment Bank (CDHIB) sponsored the Malawi Aquatic Union (MAU) with K2.4 million for hosting of the national swimming championship which was held from Thursday 2nd March 2023 to Saturday 4th March 2023 at African Bible College (ABC) in Lilongwe.

Speaking during the symbolic cheque presentation to the Union on Wednesday 1st March 2023 in Lilongwe, the Bank’s Capital City Banking Centre Manager, Molius Mangaawuma said they were compelled to support the dressing of the technical team that include ushers and umpires during the championships.

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CDHIB staff participate in Q1 wellness program

CDH Investment Bank’s Lilongwe staff captured at the wellness walk
CDH Investment Bank’s Lilongwe staff captured at the wellness walk

CDH Investment Bank on 3rd March 2023 held its first wellness program for 2023. The activity was conducted as part of the banks’ wellness program which ensures staff members are encouraged to participate in exercises aimed at keeping fit whilst interacting and developing strong teams. The activity was held in Blantyre and Lilongwe and was a fun walk. For the Blantyre team, the actity commenced from Milare Police Roadblock to Kamuzu View and back with a short health break at Kamuzu View; whilst the Lilongwe team walk took place from CDH Investment Bank Capital City Banking Centre to State House Road and back with a health break. 

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CDH Investment Bank committed wins the 2022 investment bank of the year award

Best investment bank of the year 2022 award trophy, runner up most labour law compliant award trophy and third highest quality, productivity and innovation award trophy for 2022
Best investment bank of the year 2022 award trophy, runner up most labour law compliant award trophy and third highest quality, productivity and innovation award trophy for 2022

CDH Investment Bank was once again awarded the investment bank of the year 2022 in Malawi. The award was announced by The Global Banking & Finance Review Magazine, a leading online and print Magazine in the United Kingdom, during the awards ceremony held in London this year. 

CDH Investment Bank was recognized for its determination and various strides in investment banking and advisory that have contributed positively to economic growth. The award comes at a time when the bank is celebrating its tenth year anniversary which was celebrated under the theme – creating value. 

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