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CDH Investment Bank pledges to create value at the 10th anniversary celebrations in Blantyre

Dr Wilson T Banda, Reserve Bank of Malawi Governor (Left) hands over gift to Franklin Kennedy, CDH Investment Bank Board Chairperson at the Blantyre gala dinner
Dr Wilson T Banda, Reserve Bank of Malawi Governor (Left) hands over gift to Franklin Kennedy, CDH Investment Bank Board Chairperson at the Blantyre gala dinner

CDH Investment Bank has pledged to continue creating value for its customers and communities through high impact investment and commercial banking services. 

Franklin Kennedy, CDH Investment Bank Board chairperson, said this on Saturday 1st October 2022 in Blantyre on the sidelines if the exclusive gala dinner which the Bank hosted as part of celebrating ten years of operations as a Bank in Malawi. 

He said: “Our vision remains to be the leading specialist bank in Malawi, and we are committed to this”.  “We also welcome competition but remain confident that our professional expertise and service quality- shall continue to make us the obvious leader in the investment banking space”. 

In his remarks, Reserve Bank of Malawi Governor, Dr Wilson T Banda who was the guest of honor at the dinner, commended CDH Investment Bank for contributing to growth in investment banking space in a variety of ways. He said as one of the players in the financial sector, CDHIB has continued to support various projects through corporate social investments and partnerships, contributing to economic growth. 

“CDH Investment Bank has been a crucial partner and player towards the country’s economic development over the years” said Banda.

“When we created the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE), we required an active market to respond and there was a window for trading securities on the MSE that needed for an institution such as CDH Investment Bank to facilitate that type of trade and which the bank has done so over the years.

Banda encouraged the bank to continue efforts to grow the capital markets by creating tradeable financial instruments and listings on the MSE. “In these times of deep economic difficulty, many governments and private companies look to the creative minds of investment bankers to provide advice and structure problem solving solutions” he said. 

The gala was a success with patrons enjoying the photoshoot, cocktail party prior to dinner, shared milestones, long service awards, memories of the journey of the bank and live band and Dj to spice up the event that had attendees celebrating all night.

CDH Investment Bank was founded 10 years ago following successful conversion from Continental Discounts House Limited which had operated in Malawi for fourteen (14) years since 1998.

 The images below are a few highlights from the Blantyre gala dinner:

(L-R) Director Kofi Sekyere, Mrs Sekyere, Her Excellence Dr Naomi Ngwira, Ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium and former director of the Bank and Director Charles Asare captured at the dinner
(L-R) Director Kofi Sekyere, Mrs Sekyere, Her Excellence Dr Naomi Ngwira, Ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium and former director of the Bank and Director Charles Asare captured at the dinner
(L-R) Misheck Esau, former Chief Executive Officer of CDH Investment Bank receiving token of appreciation from Franklin Kennedy, CDH Investment Bank Board Chairperson
(L-R) Misheck Esau, former Chief Executive Officer of CDH Investment Bank receiving token of appreciation from Franklin Kennedy, CDH Investment Bank Board Chairperson


(L-R) Jene Rene Ngando Moukala, former Chief Executive Officer of CDH Investment Bank receiving token of appreciation from Franklin Kennedy, CDH Investment Bank Board Chairperson
(L-R) Jene Rene Ngando Moukala, former Chief Executive Officer of CDH Investment Bank receiving token of appreciation from Franklin Kennedy, CDH Investment Bank Board Chairperson
(L-R) Tiyezge Matandika, Human Resources Manager of CDH Investment Bank and the banks longest serving employee receiving token of appreciation from Director Charles Asare
(L-R) Tiyezge Matandika, Human Resources Manager of CDH Investment Bank and the banks longest serving employee receiving token of appreciation from Director Charles Asare
Group photograph of all board members, management, and staff of CDH Investment Bank
Group photograph of all board members, management, and staff of CDH Investment Bank

External source link: The Nation newspaper article by Orama Chipwhanya, Wednesday 5th October 2022

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