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CDH Investment Bank staff enjoy at wellness event

In the Picture: Employees of CDH Investment Bank Blantyre who participated in the wellness event that was organised by human capital

CDH Investment Bank on Sunday 10th July 2022 held its second wellness program for 2022 for its staff. The activity was a hike to places of interest that saw the Blantyre team hike from Trout Farm in Zomba up to Williams Falls, Emperor’s View, Queens View to Mulunguzi Dam in Zomba. 

Some of the CDH Investment Bank Lilongwe team who participated in the wellness activity in Salima

For the Lilongwe team, the activity was executed in Salima where the team hiked up Senga Hills.  The activities were conducted to allow staff members to participate in fitness activities that will provide the Bank staff with an opportunity to exercise and interact socially.

The hikes were led by some staff members with Clyton Nkhoma and Joy Jimu taking lead to direct staff on the routes to be undertaken and ensuring all staff and family members present participate in the best way they can and make it to their personal finish lines.  

Clyton Nkhoma from finance section led the hike

Speaking during the event, Ivy Kwatiwani, Chief Human Capital Development Officer, stated that the wellness events are held quarterly to improve staff health and wellbeing. “CDH Investment Bank knows its employees are its most important resource and values its staff members health and well-being. As such, the Bank is committed to invest its time and resources to quarterly engagement activities that support staff health, fitness and team-building”. 

Some of the seniors that participated in the hike (Ivy Kwatiwani on right)

Crispin Mgona, one of the staff members commenting after the lunch and braii session shared that he was delighted with the activity and looks forward to more. “During the week we are always busy working to execute tasks withing deadlines and service stakeholders well. However, this day trip allowed us to exercise in a difference environment, relax in nature and interact as a team”. 

Part of the Blantyre team geared to reach the finish line

The event was a success the teams were reenergized and looking forward to the next wellness activity to come. 

CDHIB staff enjoying the food after the activities

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