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CDHIB made a donation of K2 million to Malawi Red Cross Society to support flood victims (2)

CDHIB’s Capital City Banking Centre Manager, Mrs Jennie Madinga (left), presenting the donationCDHIB’s Capital City Banking Centre Manager, Mrs Jennie Madinga (left), presenting the donation

CDH Investment Bank donated K2 million to Malawi Red Cross Society to support people who were affected by Tropical Storm Ana. Presenting the donation, CDHIB’s Capital City Banking Centre Manager, Mrs Jennie Madinga, said that it was disheartening to see the devastation that the cyclone caused, including loss of life and property and loss of livelihood, in the affected districts of Chikwawa, Nsanje, Mulanje and Phalombe. Receiving the donation, Red Cross Society’s Director of Programs, Ms Prisca Chisala said that the support would go a long way towards providing the affected people with everyday basic needs such as food.

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