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Interest rates

CDH Investment Bank wishes to advise its valued customers and all stakeholders that the reference rate for September 2024 has been maintained at 25.4%. The rate is effective 4th September 2024.


Prime Investors 7.50% Balances above K500, 000
Smart Investors 6.00% Balances above K100, 000
Call accounts    
7 day call 5.00%  
30 day call 6.00%  
Fixed deposits    
1 month 6.00%  
2 months 5.00%  
3 months 4.00%  
6 months Negotiable  
Current account 0.25%  
Foreign currency account 0.10%  

  • Executive loan

    Executive loan

  • Asset financing

    Asset financing

  • Prime investors a/c

    Prime investors a/c

  • International trade

    International trade

  • Cash covered loan

    Cash covered loan

  • Foreign currency swaps

    Foreign currency swaps

  • Financial planning

    Financial planning

  • Careers
